Call for Abstracts: Verlängerung der Deadline zur Einreichung von Abstracts 14. November 2024!
Wir freuen uns, die Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25) ankündigen zu können, die vom 25. bis 27. Juni 2025 stattfinden wird. Das Thema der Konferenz lautet “Shaping Tomorrow: Systems Thinking in the Built Environment”.

Releasing over 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions and consuming over 40% of primary resources, the built environment needs an urgent transformation towards climate neutrality and circularity while hosting a booming humanity in dignified conditions under climate change. Optimising individual solutions will not be sufficient to overcome these challenges. Instead, we must adopt systems thinking, which allows us to explore synergies and balance trade-offs between different building functions (safety, comfort, health, among others), scales (materials, components, buildings, cities, planet), sectors (industry, agriculture, energy, among others) and domains (economy, society, ecology).
The conference will address the following main themes:
Integrated energy and resource use from buildings to territories
Digital transformation for a systemic shift from a linear to a circular economy
Economic models for a fast and efficient implementation of regenerative solutions
Synergies of sustainable systems between environment, society, and economy
Die Professur für nachhaltiges Bauen beabsichtigt Nachhaltigkeit in allen Bereichen der gebauten Umwelt zu verankern. Weitere Informationen finden sie auf unserer Webseite