Grounded Atelier in Burkina Faso

The chair of Sustainable construction and the LESBAT from Yverdon les bains (HES-SO) taught from the 7th to the 11th of November an atelier on sustainable habitats for Sahelian context in Burkina Faso.

by Lukas Kunz
Grounded Atelier

The course was funded by the commission for research partnerships with developing countries (KPFE) and done in partnership with the engineering school 2IE (Ouagadougou, Burkina) and focused on the engineering aspect related to construction. Students learned how to mix design materials in order to achieve the desired mechanical and thermal performance and how to use thermal simulation open source software. 30 people attended coming from various backgrounds: engineers, architects, and sociologists. The fact that we had participants from the ministry of housing as well as from the school of engineering was a very good sign for further co-development of the teaching content.

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