Isolda Agustí Juan gives a lecture at the University of Seville, Spain

On the 23rd of November, Isolda Agustí Juan gave a lecture to the students of the "Máster Universitario en Innovación en Arquitectura: Tecnología y Diseño"from the University of Sevilla in Spain. The lecture with title "Identificación de criterios de diseño ambiental para fabricación digital" aimed to raise awareness about the environmental opportunities and risks of digital fabrication techniques in the building sector.
Felix Krause is awarded the Migros Umweltpreis for his Master Thesis

The Migros Umweltpreis – for the promotion of innovative achievements of students – was awarded on the 6th of October 2017 to Felix Krause for his Master Thesis „Dynamic and Traditional Life Cycle Assessment of a “zero carbon” Wall Element“.
IBI Award Ceremony

The Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management has awarded Doctoral and Master Thesis as well as the Helbling Prize for an excellent Master Thesis during a ceremony on 26 October 2017.