Prof. Junjie Li stays as Guest professor at the Chair of Sustainable Construction, IBI, December 2022 to December 2023
Junjie Li is Associate Professor in School of Architecture and Design, Beijing Jiaotong University, China and Deputy Director of Architecture Department.

Junjie Li is an academic Guest Professor at the Chair of Sustainable Construction from December 2022 to December 2023.
She is Associate Professor in School of Architecture and Design, Beijing Jiaotong University, Deputy Director of Architecture Department.
Dr Li's research interests include sustainable building technology, green building design and construction, high performance-low carbon buildings, net-zero energy house, climate adaptive design.
Her social posts include LEED AP(USGBC), AH AP Diploma, member of the green building and energy conservation committee of China GBC, member of the green building theory and practice group, member of the DTSA-SPSD international academic committee, and reviewer of several international SCI journals.
Dr Li’s Ph.D. research was finished in Tsinghua University, China, doctoral dissertation title is "Passive adjustment performance of intermediary space in buildings." She got master degree from the University of Nottingham, UK, major in sustainable building technology. By now, more than 70 papers have been published in academic conferences and core journals. She has hosted over 18 scientific research projects, including National Natural Science Fund project, Beijing Natural Science Fund project, Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Fund project. She was selected into the talent program of "China Association for science and technology excellent Chinese and foreign youth exchange plan (2019)" and "post-doctoral international exchange plan (2017)".
The Chair of Sustainable Construction intends to ground sustainability in all disciplines involved in the built environment. For more information visit our Website.