Congratulations to the winners of this year's BI Förderungsprize Award and Helbling Prize Award 2023!!

At this years' IBI Award Ceremony on 03.10.2023, the ETH Zurich Construction and Infrastructure Förderungsprize for Master's and Doctoral Theses and the Helbling Prize for excellent Master's theses in the field of construction and infrastructure management were awarded.

The Helbling Prize 2023 of external pageHelbling Beratung und Bauplanung AG was awarded to:

Nina Bichsel for her master's thesis "Optimal Renovation of Swiss Buildings Including Photovoltaic Potential and Considering the Uncertain Future".

Olivia Champion from Helbling Beratung und Bauplanung AG presents this year's Helbing Prize to Nina Bichsel. Olivia Champion from Helbling Beratung und Bauplanung AG presents this year's Helbing Prize to Nina Bichsel.
Olivia Champion from Helbling Beratung und Bauplanung AG presents this year's Helbing Prize to Nina Bichsel.
Olivia Champion from Helbling Beratung und Bauplanung AG presents this year's Helbing Prize to Nina Bichsel. OliviaChampion from Helbling Beratung und Bauplanung AG presents this year's Helbing Prize to Nina Bichsel.
Olivia Champion from Helbling Beratung und Bauplanung AG presents this year's Helbing Prize to Nina Bichsel.

The BI Förderungsprize 2023 was awarded to:

Simone Brönnimann for her master's thesis "Evaluation of sensing and responding systems under uncertainty: The case of a dynamic urban road in Zurich" and

Dr. Yi Du for his dissertation "A New Low Carbon Clay Based Concrete with Improved Water Resistance".

Prof. Bryan Adey (IBI Chair of Infrastructure Mangament) presents this year's 2023 BI Grant Award to Simone Brönnimann.
Prof. Bryan Adey (IBI Chair of Infrastructure Mangament) presents this year's 2023 BI Grant Award to Simone Brönnimann.
Prof. Guillaume Habert (IBI Chair of Sustainable Construction) presents this year's 2023 BI Promotion Award to Dr. Yi Du.
Prof. Guillaume Habert (IBI Chair of Sustainable Construction) presents this year's 2023 BI Promotion Award to Dr. Yi Du.

The chair of Sustainable Construction intends to embed sustainability in all aspects of the built environment. For more information, please visit our website.

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