CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials - Essentials - Edition 2025

You want to learn the essential knowledge on the use of earth, bio-based, and reused building materials? Join the next edition of the CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Essentials.
Call for Abstracts: Extended deadline for submission: 14 November 2024!

We are thrilled to announce the Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25), which will be held from June 25 to 27, 2025. The conference topic is “Shaping Tomorrow: Systems Thinking in the Built Environment”.
Our researcher Magda Posani gave a TEDx talk on healthy and sustainable building design at – TEDx Countdown event in Zurich

Asthma, dry eyes, itchy skin, sore throat, and difficulty concentrating – these are just a few of the health issues caused by poor air quality and incorrect humidity levels in modern, energy-efficient buildings. How did we reach this point? Can we do better?