Dr. Daria Maria Léopoldine Ardant

Dr.  Daria Maria Léopoldine Ardant

Dr. Daria Maria Léopoldine Ardant

Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

ETH Zürich

Professur für Nachhaltiges Bauen

HIL F 28.3

Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

  • Earth construction
  • Earth analysis
  • Research application
  • Traditional and modern earth buildings
  • Clay and clay minerals: physico-chemical properties




Daria Ardant is a Ph.D. student at the Chair of Sustainable Construction since November 2019. Her Ph.D. thesis topic focuses on the impact of earth variability on the possibility of producing a robust mix design for poured earth application. Before, she worked one year as a Scientist Assistant on material development for a recycling company and researched the mineral additives' influence on poured earth strength.

She holds a Bachelor (2014) and a Master with research specification (2017) in Architecture at the Ecole Nationale Superieur d'Architecture Paris Malaquais (ENSAPM). During her Master, she won the Renzo Piano Foundation scholarship and worked six months at Genova on the 1rst earth project of the office. During this professional break, she also made a long-term internship at the laboratory Navier at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussés. There, she worked on developing interlock compacted earth blocks and completed her knowledge in geotechnics. She then continued this research for her Master's final diploma, which has been completed with honor and won the Best Diploma Award decerned by the Academie d'Architecture in 2018.

After one year of working for the office Joly&Loiret at Paris on the co-development of the project Cycle Terre, which valorizes excavated resources into earth material, she joined the Chair of Sustainable Construction to explore the topic of poured earth


Year Distinction
2018 MAF Price (Best Diploma of Architecture, Académie d'Architecture, France, 2018)
2016 Fondazione RPBW Grant

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Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
101-0588-01L Re-/Source the Built Environment
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