Anastasija Komkova and Magda Posani at the 76th RILEM Annual Week 2022 and ICRCS 2022
Anastasija Komkova and Magda Posani attended the 76th RILEM Annual Week 2022, hold in Kyoto in September 2022 and presented their work at the International Conference on Regeneration and Conservation of Structures - ICRCS 2022.

Anastasija Komkova and Magda Posani attended the 76th RILEM Annual Week 2022, hold in Kyoto in September 2022. They had the chance to present their works on "Examining impacts of variability in constituent production and service life time on environmental performance of alkali activated concretes" and “Thermal mortars for retrofitting historic masonry walls”. The two presentations addressed key points for the transition towards a more sustainable built environment. Results of the first presentation show that alkali activated concretes have lower CO2 eq. emissions compared to Portland cement concretes even when variability in production processes of mix constituents is taken into account. The second presentation highlights that the use of suitable insulation solutions for retrofitting existing valuable construction reduces their energy needs while improving indoor comfort.
Magda Posani was also invited to represent the RILEM Youth Council at the event and to promote RILEM Youth Community,with the aim of strengthening the international collaboration among researchers in the early stages of their careers.