Yi Du was an invited speaker at the first RILEM European RYC-P2P-Webinar

Yi Du was invited to speak at the European RILEM P2P webinar 2022 - “Non-conventional materials for sustainable construction, a focus on earth and bio-based solutions”.
Anastasija Komkova and Magda Posani at the 76th RILEM Annual Week 2022 and ICRCS 2022

Anastasija Komkova and Magda Posani attended the 76th RILEM Annual Week 2022, hold in Kyoto in September 2022 and presented their work at the International Conference on Regeneration and Conservation of Structures - ICRCS 2022.
Jianxiang Ma joined the Chair of Sustainable Construction as a Ph.D. student

We warmly welcome Jianxiang Ma as Ph.D student at the Chair of Sustainable Construction