Welcome Suganya Kuppusamy

Suganya Kuppusamy has recently joined the Chair of Sustainable Construction as a visiting researcher and is working with Prof. Guillaume Habert until July 2024.


Suganya Kuppusamy is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Research Fellow involved in a collaborative research project between Université Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France, and ETH Zurich. She has recently joined the Chair of Sustainable Construction as a visiting researcher and is working with Prof. Guillaume Habert until July 2024.

With a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering and extensive field experience as a practicing geotechnical engineer, Suganya specialized in the behaviour of soft clay and ground improvement techniques. With expertise in understanding soil behaviour, she recognized the importance of utilizing local soil with minimal modification as a sustainable alternative building material, prompting a transition in her research focus.

Currently, her research focuses on developing environmentally friendly, printable/pourable earth mix combinations made from by-products resources and excavation soil wastes. During her research stay here at ETH Zurich, she will be conducting Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies to assess the environmental implications of both the earth mixes and the associated construction technology.


The chair of Sustainable Construction intends to embed sustainability in all aspects of the built environment. For more information, please visit our website.

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