SwissBreakfast – Sustainable Construction
Guillaume Habert was invited at the Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America
Swiss Ambassador to the United States, Jacques Pitteloud was pleased to host the SwissBreakfast Series on sustainableconstruction at the Swiss Residence. It was an insightful discussion led by CNN correspondent Kathleen Koch featuring Kevin Kampschroer, Chief Sustainability Officer GSA and Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert, Chair of the Sustainable Construction, ETH Zürich on innovative approaches that can help curb emissions and champion sustainability on a global scale in the building and construction sector. Thank you to all of our guests and panelists for joining us for this impactful discussions. SwissImpact
You can read more about this event and other sustainable events on our external page SwissImpact website

The chair of Sustainable Construction intends to embed sustainability in all aspects of the built environment. For more information, please visit our website.