Our researchers Magda Posani and Yasmine Priore were invited to Politecnico di Milano (IT) to give lectures on Low Carbon Materials

In May 2024, Magda Posani and Yasmine Priore delivered introductory lectures on low-carbon materials at Politecnico di Milano for the course 'Architectural Design Studio II' in the Bachelor of Architecture program. They also participated as guest critics for the design project reviews.

In May 2024, Magda Posani and Yasmine Priore delivered introductory lectures on low-carbon materials at Politecnico di Milano for the course 'Architectural Design Studio II' in the Bachelor of Architecture program. The lectures were titled 'Introduzione ai materiali a basso impatto ambientale', held in Italian, and focused on providing basic knowledge and principles on how to evaluate the environmental impact of building materials through Life Cycle Assessment and existing databases. Additionally, construction with earth, stone, strawbale, and timber was discussed in class, and several projects from successful sustainable architectural projects using these materials in Europe were presented.

They also participated as guest critics for the design project reviews and discussed with students ideas to incorporate environmental sustainability into their design process.

We are thankful to Prof. Pier Francesco Giordano for inviting our researchers to Milan to share insights on sustainable construction practices and for offering us the opportunity to expand our outreach to a new generation of international students on this crucial topic.

Magda Posani and Yasmine Priore at Polimi

The chair of Sustainable Construction intends to embed sustainability in all aspects of the built environment. For more information, please visit our website.

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