THINK Earth! - Bauen mit Aushubmaterial
Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert and Sasha Cisar discuss the undervalued potential of earth as a building material in the context of the THINK Earth! exhibition at ETH Zürich's main hall from October 30th to November 5th.

Earth as a building material: more versatile than you might think. (Image: Chair for Sustainable Construction / ETH Zurich)
Think Earth! – building with earth today

The exhibition will show the potential of excavated material in construction. It opens at 5.30 p.m. on 30 October 2017 in room HG E 3. The exhibition will display projects which have received the TERRA Award, the prize for contemporary earthen architecture. There will be two discussions tackling the themes of “Earth and Health” (on 1 November, in German) and “Earth and Technology” (on 3 November, in English), both at 5.30 p.m. in the Semper Aula.