CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials - Hygrothermal Specialisation
earth. bio-based. reused

Earth and bio-based materials offer several benefits when used in building envelopes. This programme offers specialised knowledge on hygrothermal material properties and simulation tools. The program teaches participants to quantify indoor comfort improvements, energy demands reduction, forecast moisture-related degradation risks, and to allow for durable design and long-lasting performance. Materials such as straw bales, hemp, wood, waste from plant harvesting, or light mixes combining bio-based materials to mineral binders, such as lime or clay, will be analysed in detail. The participants will acquire result-oriented skills in terms of thermal efficiency and humidity regulation to contribute to the hygrothermal dimensioning of long-lasting buildings or infrastructures.
The next edition will be organised in September 2025 (Fall Semester).
Application Window: 01.07. - 31.07.2025
For more information, please contact Arnaud Evrard .
The first week introduces the Regenerative Materials used to build high-quality envelops and high-comfort environments.
The first set of lectures presents the basics of hygrothermal building physics based on the following topics: Evolution of standards and models; Strength and weaknesses of Regenerative Materials; State of the art and market evolution.
The second set of lectures gives an overview of the materials' diversity from resource to implementation, with synthesis of their hygrothermal properties:
- Fibers: straw bales (wheat, rice...), wool and rigid panels (wood, sheep, hemp, cotton, flax, jute…), bulk fibers (straw, cellulose, hemp…);
- Earth: Plasters, blocs (adobe, CEB), monolith walls (rammed earth, cob, wattle and daub...);
- Composite: light mixes combining a mineral binder, such as lime, gypsum, or clay, to bio-sourced materials, such as hemp, wood, straw, or any waste from plant harvesting.
A two-day visit is organized during this module.
The second week is focused on constructive details, mainly through a hands-on workshop.
The participants are divided into groups. Each group designs and produces a prototype to explore a specific constructive technique considering thermal insulation, thermal mass, moisture regulation and air tightness. Monitoring devices are installed in each prototype. These prototypes are to be compared to a reference prototype built with conventional building techniques.
The third week offers advanced knowledge on HAM modeling.
The most up-to-date simulation models are presented and used by the participants on real-case projects during simulation workshops:
- Transient hygrothermal behaviour of walls:
- Presentation of WUFI Pro and WUFI Bio software by experts users or developers
- Presentation of a case study and calculation exercises based on this case study
- Digital parametric iteration and whole building evaluation:
- Presentation of WUFI Plus by experts users or developers
- Presentation of a case study and calculation exercises based on this case study
The fourth module is mainly organised on-line (one day a week for 5 weeks).
The participants are asked to use the software presented during moudle 3 to analyse the hygrothermal behaviour of a building built with the same technic as their prototype. In addition, they have to reproduce the monitoring conditions of their prototypes and compare measurements to simulation results.
The last day, the participants presents their results to a jury.
The teaching team is composed of acknowledged experts in the field with complementary approaches origin and background (designer, entrepreneur, researcher, developer …).
ETH Teaching Board:
- Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
- Dr. Arnaud Evrard
- Other members of IBI - Chair of Sustainable Construction
International partners (non exhaustive list):
- Prof. Pete Walker, UBath (UK)
- Dr. Hartwig Künzel, Fraunhofer-IBP (Germany)
- Dr. Ralf Kilian, Fraunhofer-IBP (Germany)
- Prof. Eike Roswag, ZRS Berlin (Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Christof Ziegert, ZRS Berlin (Germany)
- Dipl.-Ing. Architektin Andrea Klinge, ZRS Berlin (Germany)
- Dr. Sophie Claude, INSA Toulouse (France)
- Dipl.-Ing. Laurent Mouly, ENSA Normandie (France)
- (to be continued...)
Partner of the programme:
The creation of the CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials has been supported by the external page Ricola Foundation.
One of the main focus of the Ricola Foundation is to improve the people’s quality of life, through initiatives that promote a combination of nature and culture.
Each edition, this Foundation is covering the admission fees of two participants with financial difficulties.
For more details about this scholarship, please contact Arnaud Evrard <> before applying.
This Programme is geared toward the needs of professionals who want to deepen and question their existing practice in order to develop more regenerative approaches. The target audiences are HVAC engineers and building contractors, Engineers and architects, project managers, members of city technical services, NGOs, or corporate representatives.
Specifications: Master's degree acknowledged by ETH or equivalent educational qualifications. Some calculations use complex modeling, and basics in heat and vapor transfer are expected.
In this Progamme, a limited group of professionals (8-12 participants) is selected to favour intense interactions and high-quality learning. The selection is based on the following criteria: background, field, level of expertise, and probable impact in the field they may have in the future. Dynamical interactions between the participants, the organising team, and the guests are strongly encouraged in all activities.
This teaching program combines complementary teaching methods based on active learning to ensure an efficient and durable impact on the professional development of the participants. The long-term strategy is to support the dissemination of rigorous information on Regenerative Materials and their use in the building industry and to reinforce the network of stakeholders in this field on a large scale.
The validation of the CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Hygrothermal Specialisation corresponds to 12 ECTS.
The application window for the next edition will be opened in July 2025.
Applicants are asked to apply online and to include a motivation letter, a CV and two reference letters. A reference letter corresponds to a recommendation letter preferably written by your current or former employer.
Fees: 8230 CHF. It does not include living expenses.
For more information visit this website.
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ETH Zürich
Inst. Bau-&Infrastrukturmanagement
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5