CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials - Alumni
A growing network

The Alumni Group consists of all our former participants of the CAS/DAS/MOOC ETH in Regenerative Materials.
They keep in contact after completing the program. They do so by sharing projects or ideas, looking for partners, discussing and engaging in various ways.

external page Bjernert Anna / Architect & Consultant/ MSc in Architecture, Royal institute of technology KTH, Stockholm
Promoting regenerative and sustainable solutions in large-scale projects

external page Beatriz Lage Caro Quintiliano/ Architect / MSc Architecture
Member of the Association Adapter e.V. in Stuttgart, collaborating on a temporary housing project in a vacant building (Neckarspinnerei Wendlingen) and on the Reallabor 1A Lage (Königsstraße 1A, Stuttgart). High personal priority on social and ecological responsibility.

external page Constanze Hopf / Project & construction Manager at Halter AG, Schlieren/ MSc Civil Engineering from Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft

external page Cristina Pop / Project Leader, Design at Itten+Brechbühl Architekten, Zürich / MSc Architecture from Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism "Ion Mincu”, Bucharest

external page Duarte Goncalves Ferreira Brito / Architect / MSc Architecture
Co-founder of Studio Hammer; architect and consultant focusing on the re-valorization and repurposing of existing buildings, incorporating geo-, bio-, and recycled materials.

Eileen Dorer Li / Architect, Consultant, Educator / Dipl. -Ing. Architektur from Universität Stuttgart
Working at the intersection of design and research, focusing on regenerative approaches with special interest in climate-oriented design and construction, healthy and sustainable buildings, participatory planning, and promoting the use of earth, bio-based and reused materials.

external page Irene Giubbini / Project Manager at Clauss Merz Architekten, Basel, CH/ MSc Architecture from Università della Svizzera Italiana

Johanna Mühlich / Master Interior Architecture / M.A. Interior Architecture I Hochschule Düsseldorf

external page Karin Hanning Lundberg / Correspondent Architecture Magazin, Co-Founder of AVVA-Archiwalks, Arkitekturskribent & Arkitekt / MA Architecture from Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

Leonard Jurij Von Aster / Architect, Founder, Creative Director and CEO / MSc Architecture from Università della Svizzera Italiana

external page Letizia Morgante / Architect / Laurea magistrale in Architettura
Rural restoration

external page Marine Cobo Molina / Architect / MSc. ETH Architecture
Architect with focus on regenerative materials and low tech, enthousiatic about earth construction.

Markéta Korbeliusová / Architect, Project leader, Internship supervisor at pool Architekten, Zürich/ Dipl.-Ing.Architecture from Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

external page Patrick Krecl / Architect and Consultant / Dipl Architect ETH SIA
Specializing in bio-based materials, particularly earth, for sustainable construction solutions.

external page Sheida Vahedi / Co-founder at KUBA & VAHEDI AG architecture & interior, Architect project leader / MSc Architecture from Université libre de Bruxelles

external page Soheil Shahnazari / Architect / MSc Architecture from Lund University, Sweden

external page Tim Ost / Director production at PxP hybrid wood concepts / MSc. Architectural engineering at university of Ghent
Developing hybrid construction solutions consisting of wood framing and CLT combined with carbon storing insulation materials e.g. straw, hemplime or cellulose.

Verena Jacob / Projekt Manager, Client side builder representation at Amt für Hochbauten Stadt Zürich / MSc Architecture from Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

external page Frank Spithoven / Project manager for building physics / Senior Lecturer/ MSc Environmental Engineering
Acoustics and building physics in building construction. Measurements, expert opinions, advice, planning, support with the aim of implementing projects that are as sustainable and energy-efficient as possible.

external page Patricia Báscones Gutiérrez/ Master Architecture and Urbanism, ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Application and experimentation with “low carbon” building materials (earth, bio- based, reused), development of hands-on & design-build collaborative processes

external page Thomas Reiner / Project leader Engineering / Sustainability / MEng Civil Eng / BEng wooden constructions
Designing and calculating wooden buildings developing sustainable solutions with regeneration materials aiming to lower embodied CO2 circular economy.

Guilhem Douillet / Research Scientist / PhD LMU Munich / Engineer EOST Strasbourg / MSc. Université Louis Pasteur
Development of earth-hemp insulating materials, geology, sedimentology, volcanology.

external page Julie Moraca / Architect / MSc TU Delft in Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences
Engaged in architectural projects of urban regeneration, focusing on the re-valorization and repurposing of the existing building stock while integrating geo-, bio- and re-used materials.

Eileen Dorer Li / Architect / Consultant / Educator / Dipl. -Ing. Architektur Universität Stuttgart
Working at the intersection of design and research, focusing on regenerative approaches with special interest in climate-oriented design and construction, healthy and sustainable buildings, participatory planning, and promoting the use of earth, bio-based and reused materials.

external page Benoît Freymann / Architect / Msc Arch KULeuven (Ghent)
Renovation of a Garden City into social housing (Brussels), Renovation and extension of a private house (Antwerp), Interior and furniture design, Design of small interventions using earth (adobe brick and rammed earth) in the Atlas (Morocco). Working at LOW architecten.

external page Claudia Alig / Civil Engineer / Msc ETH in Civil Dngineering

external page Claudia Lazzari / Architect / MA in Architecture at IUAV University of Venice
Sustainability Consultant at Macro Design Studio where I work to achive high standards of sustainability according to the main international rating systems. At the same time, I work to warmly encourage people to go beyond sustainability into regenerative, expecially in conservative restoration projects.

Davide Barbieri / Architect / Senior Lecturer/ Dipl. Ing. Architektur TU Graz
Architect and founding member of the architectural research collective Studio Magic.

external page Duong Vu Hong / Project leader / Architect / MSc in Architecture and Urbanism

external page Frank Spithoven / Project manager for building physics / Senior Lecturer/ MSc Environmental Engineering
Acoustics and building physics in building construction. Measurements, expert opinions, advice, planning, support with the aim of implementing projects that are as sustainable and energy-efficient as possible.

Illaria Ricassi / Architect / MSc Architecture /CAS Regenerative Materials
Co-founder atelier ORA - Milan, Zurich, Valencia: Architecture office focusing on renovation, reuse, and conversion of private and public buildings, as well as new constructions implementing the use of bio-based materials.

external page Joëlle Kitamura / Civil Engineer / MSc ETH Civil Eng
Hydropower, Hydraulic Engineering, Layout design, Structural analysis, own research on green walls / façades

Jonathan Bopp / Project Supervisor / Dipl. Architect ETH
Architect with focus on residential development and high personal priority on social and ecological responsibility.

Prof Dr Junjie Li / Professor in Beijing Jiaotong University / Ph.D
Low carbon and high performance building

external page Katharina Graf / Architect / Dipl. - Ing. in Architecture (TU Dresden)
Architect with focus on a sustainable building sector transition and socially responsible design. Working with regenerative materials and reuse. DGNB Consultant

Maria Barbieri / Architect / Master at the Faculty of Architecture University of Innsbruck
Project Development for Sustainable Residential Building in Switzerland (St. Gallen).

Meril Sabo / Architect / MSc in architecture EPFL
Responsible of sustainability department in an bigger swiss architecture office

external page Peter Saxer / Architect / MSc ETH Arch / Dipl. Architekt ETH SIA
Founder and owner of architecture office. Experienced in leading design projects in every scale and every phase, from furniture to airports, public and private clients.

external page Samuel Seiler / Architect Project Manager / MSc ETH Arch / CAS UZH in Urban Management

external page Simone Iseli / Interior Architect and Project Manager Building Renovation + Sustainability / Interior architect BA FHZ, building biologist with a federal certificate
Founder of studio omni gmbh and sustainability consultant at FRIEDLIPARTNER AG

external page Noélie Ernst Sénéclauze / Architect / 2005: ARB registriert, London, 1998-2002: EPFL Lausanne, Dipl. Arch
An expert in developing optimal projects for specific environments and constructions, based on client’s briefings – eager to find solutions by using and re-using available materials and natural resources.

external page Bernhard Gysin / Construction Management / MSc ETH Arch / Dipl. Architekt ETH/SIA, MAS Real Estate Management HWZ

external page Anna Jach / Computer aided design / MSc in architecture
Architecture, urban studies, interior design, bridge design, building and construction management, prefab wood construction, art installations, 3d modelling and printing.

Mara Kougia / Architect / Bachelor and Master in Architecture at TU Graz, Diploma Award for climate friendly architecture.
Passion for sustainable architecture, strong will, thirst and open for innovations, helpful towards all circumstances, synthesize her interests productively into experience and knowledge.

external page Andrea Landell de Moura Stähelin / Architect / CAS Regenerative Materials / MAS Urban Planing
Studio Landell de Moura SIA - Sustainable Design: Earth, bio based and reused construction.
New projects - Renovations from conceptual to construction.

external page Arnaud Paquier / Architect / MSc in architecture
Large scale project, BIM - Project management, Facade specialist, Regenerative Materials, Earth construction.

external page Aureliano Ramella / Architecture & landscape / Diploma at Sydney Film School 2013, Master in Architecture at EPFL 2020
Practical research & use of earth construction in Australia, Spain and Switzerland, Documentary-filmmaking.

external page Tommaso Venturini / Architect / MSc in building engineering-architecture by Università Politecnica delle Marche
Experience in research (TU Delft), construction sites working mainly with earth material (plaster and rammed earth), design and detailing of projects (Michael Ohneberg Architektur).

external page Anna Marie von Franz / Architect / MSc in architecture
Founded VON FRANZ Architekten in 2019 in Zürich. vFA manages projects from the initial design to the finished building.

external page Steven Schenk / Architect / MSc Architecture
Own office building public and private commissions / University lecturer / Researcher

external page Katharina Ehrenklau / Architect / MSc in architecture
Sustainable architecture and urban design at all scales.

Anna Katharina Dreykluft / Project Manager / MSc in architecture

Dalal Elarji / Architect / Dr. MSc in architecture

Alexander Forsch / Architect / MSc in architecture

Catarina Medora / Architect / MSc in architecture

Laura Saputelli / Consultant / MSc in Environmental Eng.

external page Laurent Biot / Architect / Institute of Architecture Victor Horta, ULB
Architect since 1999, Grounder Terra9 Architecture (Senegal 2019, Nomination Aga Khan Award for Architecture). Partner SARC Spühler Biot Architektur 2021, Experience in old and listed Buildings.

external page Kate Bottriell / Cirkla - Wiederverwendung im Bauwesen / MSc Nature, Society & Environmental Policy, BSc Natural Resources Conservation
Re-use in construction, sustainable supply chains and responsible sourcing, development of standards and certification systems, project management.

external page Nuno Silva / architect / MSc in Architecture
Exploring architectural concepts without complex explanations and theories applying them to a specific place, its context and its social constraints.

external page Anna Fischer / Architect (ARB) / MSc in Architecture Bauhaus University Weimar
Consultant in Sustainable Design, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA & LCC), Climate Action Plans

external page Fabian Hoermann / Dipl.Ing. Architekt HFT Stuttgart / SIA AKBW
Urban Design & Architectural Design with Sustainable & Regenerative Dimensions / Buildings, Exhibitions, Publications

external page Schoschana Huber / Mechanical Engineer MSc ETH / Stove-builder EFZ
Hands-on and participative building with special regard to low costs and reuse. Smaller building and remodelling projects with lime and earth, especially stove-building.

external page Flavia Kämpf / Architect / ETH Zürich Architecture, Istituto di Design Milano Interior Architecture
Multidisciplinary studio for sustainable architecture, interior design and creative consulting. Exploring the deep connection between nature, human and matter.

Jexternal page aco Trebo / Architect / MSc Arch TU München
Regenerative, timeless architecture that finds innovativ possibilities and solutions. Since 2022 co-founder LOCI and co-owner Gello 3000, cooperative platform for creativity, exchange and hands-on workshops such as earth, bio-based construction and re-use of building components.

external page Michal Wozniak / Structural designer / MSc. ETH in Civil Engineering
In my practice I encourage my colleagues, architects and clients to choose clever and environmentally sound solutions. I engage in housing, refurbishment and complex structures.

external page Lauréline Zeender / Architect / Master of Science Architecture EPFL
Building diagnostic expert (EPIQR+ method), Construction design process, Project Management abilities (planning, construction admin., team coordination, conceptualization and quality control).

external page Claudia Kleffmann / Architect and Urban Designer / MSc in Architecture and Urban Design, GSAPP Columbia University
Working, traveling and studying to bring more Nature and Biodiversity into the world of Architecture and Cities.

external page Katrin Nellius / M.Sc. RWTH Aachen
Architect with focus on sustainable design, DGNB Consultant

external page Elodie Simon / Architect / Bachelor at Institute of architecture ULB / Master of Arts BFH / HES-SO in Architecture
Co-founder of etceterra; architect and consultant focusing on regenerative building through the use of earth, bio-based and reused materials: practical workshops and article writing.

Antoine Denis

Elina Dueker

Kay Unterer

external page Alia Bengana / Architect, journalist, tutor / École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris-Belleville in 2000 (EPFL, HEIA FRIBOURG, ENSAVT PARIS-EST)

external page Charlotte Bofinger / Civil Engineering Bachelor + Master at University of Stuttgart, 2010-2015
I work at Zirkular with reuse-building-material.

external page Emmanuel Durand / Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics - Paris / Civil Engineer ETH Zürich
Structural Integrity Expert. 3D Laser scan.

external page Simon Hess / Timber engineer (Timber structures & technology, BFH) / CAS Acoustic & Building Physics / Carpenter
Acoustic and building physics in timber buildings, structural design and fire safety of timber buildings, use of biobased materials, reuse of building elements, sustainability assessment.

external page Corinne Lopez / Master of Science ETH in Architecture
Architect/construction manager/consultant with focus on circular economy,climate-friendly and socially responsible building with regenerative materials and reuse. Co-founder Rethink Materials Kollektiv.

external page Rafa Sala Bufill / Master of Architecture and Urban Planning
Bioclimatic Design / Regenerative Materials (earth, bio-based, re-used) / Project Management - all SIA stages / Rethink Materials Kollektiv

external page Patricia Báscones Gutiérrez / Master Architecture and Urbanism, ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Application and experimentation with “low carbon” building materials (earth, bio- based, reused), development of hands-on & design-build collaborative processes

external page Leonor Lay / Architect INSA Strasbourg (France)
Cofounder of the architecture office "external page bureau nautes" based in Strasbourg - Teaching project and reuse processes to the architecture students at INSA Strasbourg

external page Joost Verstraete / Architect / MSc in architecture Sint-Lucas Ghent (BE)
Working with regenerative materials and low-tech solutions. Doing research on biobased materials & earth, reuse and reshaping communities through co-creation.

external page Tyrone Coletta / Master of Science ETH in Architecture
Applying sustainable architecture and environmentally clever solutions in renovation and new projects.

Juan David Orjuela / Master in Architecture
Bamboo and rammed earth handcraft.

Simon Flückiger

Katharina Riedl

Carolin Sieger

Sara Teodori

Marie-Pascale Wellinger

Polina Saante / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Teaching Assistant (Editions 2022 / 2023 / 2024) / MSc ETH in Integrated Build. Systems

Sarangi Ganeshalingam / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Teaching Assistant (Edition 2023) / MSc ETH in Civil Engineering

Hannes Lukesch / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Teaching Assistant (Edition 2022) / Soon MSc ETH in Architecture

external page Janosch Kirchherr / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Teaching Assistant (Editions 2021 / 2022) / Soon MSc ETH in Architecture

Natalia Kobylinska / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Teaching Assistant (Edition 2021) / MSc ETH in Integrated Building Systems

Prof. Dr. Sophie Claude / INSA Toulouse (university) / Programme Coordinator (Edition 2020) / Material engineer. Specialization in earthen architecture / PhD about biobased materials
Research regenerative materials (mix design, thermal, hygrothermal).
ETH Zürich
Inst. Bau-&Infrastrukturmanagement
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5