The Chair’s lecture courses are accessible to a broad range of ETH students, and have a clear inter-disciplinary ambition. Most of the courses are open to D-BAUG (including all civil, geomatic and environmental engineers), M-TEC, D-ARCH, Master of Integrated Building Systems and D-USYS.
Sustainable construction is at the cross road between individual disciplines and research fields, hence the will to train students from a range of departments. The Chair offers two introductory lecture series and three specialised courses. The introductory lectures (Sustainable Development und Re-/Source) equip them to critically engage with the main issues associated with sustainability in the built environment. The specialised courses go more in depth and aim to teach:
- How to implement environmental assessment throughout design process,
- how to use building labels to help clients to reach better sustainable buildings,
- and finally for architects and engineers, the courses aim to teach the use of regenerative construction materials for insulation and structural applications.
Courses at the chair of Sustainable Construction are also intended for professionals already active in practice (planners, architects, engineers, project managers,...) thanks to a CAS on “Regenerative Building materials”. This CAS provides participants with tools and methods to manage projects using earth, bio-based and reused materials with efficiency and creativity in order to contribute to the necessary ecological and social transition in the construction sector.
Finally, regular summer schools are organised where sustainable construction knowledge is grounded into real life constraints.