Continuing Education
earth. bio-based. reused
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CAS Regenerative Materials Hygrothermal Specialisation 2025
Application Window:
01.07. - 31.07.2025
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Letizia Caderas - Tuesday, 04.03.2025
17h00-18h00 (UTC+1)
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Think regenerative !
It is time to go beyond sustainability. Alternative solutions out of local resources such as earth, bio-based, and reused materials are emerging all over the world and are triggering regenerative output, thanks to their capacity to contribute to the restoration and improvement of the surrounding natural and social environment. However, they are not widespread in the construction sector due to a lack of information on the side of decision-makers and a lack of competence on the side of practitioners.
The CAS and DAS ETH in Regenerative Materials, international ETH training programmes launched by the Chair of Sustainable Construction of the ETH Zurich, aim to tackle this problem. These teachings offer knowledge and skills to question our conventional construction techniques and to promote regenerative materials from resource extraction to construction site, operation, and end-of-life of the building materials, starting from the preliminary phase of the construction program.
Continuing Education in Regenerative Materials
This programme is structured with five Modules, one week each, distributed over one semester. The Modules cover the essential knowledge on the use of earth, bio-based, and reused building materials, from resource extraction to construction site, building operation and end-of-use of the building materials. It provides the participants with tools and methods to manage projects using these materials with efficiency and creativity in order to contribute to the necessary ecological and social transition in the construction sector.
The programme uses new teaching practices with participative methods, experimental lectures, hands-on exercises, visits to inspiring projects and project-based learning.
Earth and bio-based materials offer several benefits when used in building envelopes. This programme offers specialised knowledge on hygrothermal material properties and simulation tools. The program teaches participants to quantify indoor comfort improvements, energy demands reduction, forecast moisture-related degradation risks, and to allow for durable design and long-lasting performance. Materials such as straw bales, hemp, wood, waste from plant harvesting, or light mixes combining bio-based materials to mineral binders, such as lime or clay, will be analysed in detail. The participants will acquire result-oriented skills in terms of thermal efficiency and humidity regulation to contribute to the hygrothermal dimensioning of long-lasting buildings or infrastructures.
This programme is organised for four weeks spread over one semester. Load-bearing structures using rammed earth or other earth technics, as well as straw bales or bamboo, will be analysed in detail. The participants will acquire result-oriented skills in terms of structural calculation. After this programme, they will have the skills to participate in the structural dimensioning of long-lasting buildings or infrastructures.
This programme (Diplom of Advanced Studies) combines two CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials followed by a thesis corresponding to a one-month full time work. The thesis is a personal work achieved in one semester with the supervision of relevant experts promoting dynamic interaction between the participant and the teaching team of the two CAS he achieved. The subject of this work and the experts in charge of supervision are chosen after the second CAS. The thesis will be presented in front of a jury at the end of the semester.
The MOOC ETH in Regenerative Materials and Construction is a free online course available for anyone to enroll. The course is aiming to introduce the basis of regenerative sustainability in the construction domain, guiding the audience through an overview of its construction materials and techniques as earth and bio-based. We’re almost ready!
Additional Information on our Programmes
As part-time training, these continuing education programmes are geared toward the needs of professionals who want to deepen and question their existing practice in order to develop more regenerative approaches. Each CAS represents 12 ECTS and the DAS represents 30 ECTS.
Target Groups:
The target audience is project managers, building contractors, architects, engineers, members of city technical services or NGOs. Relatively small groups are selected to allow active interactions and personal engagement of the participants.
Language of Instruction: Courses are typically held in English. Visits and discussions with practitioners will be sometimes given in French, German or Italian but will always be translated into English.
These programmes use innovative teaching practices with participative methods, experimental lectures, hands-on exercises, visits to inspiring projects, and project-based learning. Each module combines the following activities:
Lectures: Input lectures from well-known specialists gives an overview on the most innovative recent developements. Some online lectures are opened to a large audience to support public awareness (see our dedicated webpage).
Hands-on: These exercises are a great opportunity to put hands-on with construction materials. Experimentations on natural fibers, earth or reused/reclaimed materials allow a deep understanding of the main properties and specificities of these materials and corresponding building systems.
Visits: Visits to exemplary buildings using regenerative materials is one of the most inspiring way to engage in regenerative construction. Those visits are conducted by the stakeholders involved in their realisation.
Group exercises: Group work strenghen the interactions within participants. They focus on realistic calls for tenders placing the students into a real-life professional situation.
ETH teaching partners :
- Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert
- Dr. Arnaud Evrard
- Prof. Dr. Bryan Adey
- Prof. Dr. Catherine De Wolf
- Prof. Roger Boltshauser
- Prof. Dr Andrea Frangi
- Prof. Dr. Michael Klippel
- Dr. Tobias Luthe
Ricola Foundation:
The creation of the CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials has been supported by the external page Ricola Foundation.
One of the main focus of the Ricola Foundation is to improve the people’s quality of life, through initiatives that promote a combination of nature and culture.
Each year, this Foundation is supporting participants with financial difficulties.
For more details about this scholarship, please contact Arnaud Evrard <> before applying.
Energie Schweiz:
Our news programmes — CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials - Hygrothermal Specialisation and CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials - Structural Specialisation — are supported by external page Energie Schweiz as these programmes help achieving of the Swiss 2050 energy and climate objectives.
Other Partners:
We also have the chance to recive the support of many expert guests.
They accept to share their knowlegde and experience with the participants, helping us to create a growing network of potential partners.
(See details on deticated webpages of each programme).

external page Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Head of the Chair
Earth and Planetary Science | Biology | Mineralogy / Sustainability science | Regenerative design | Development of regenerative materials | Life Cycle Environmental Assessment.

external page Dr. Arnaud Evrard / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Programme Coordinator CAS-DAS / MSc in architecture and Engineering
Specialised in earth and bio-based construction and transient hygrothermal behaviour.

external page Dr. Giulia Celentano / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Programme Coordinator MOOC / MSc in architecture
Humanitarian research to improve global sustainability.

external page Hager Al Laham / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Content Coordinator MOOC / MSc ETH in Integrated Building Systems
Focus on sustainability in the building sector and energy.

external page Nathalie Dietrich / Chair of Sustainable Construction and Chair of Infrastructure Management - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Administrative Assistant CAS-DAS

Damaris Eschbach / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Teaching Assistant (CAS-DAS, Edition 2024 & 2025) / BSc ETH in Architecture, currently MSc ETH in Integrated Building Systems

Despoina Papadopoulou / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Teaching Assistant (CAS-DAS, Edition 2024 & 2025) / MSc ETH in Integrated Build. Systems

Luis Neuber / Chair of Sustainable Construction - IBI-BAUG-ETHZ / Teaching Assistant (CAS-DAS, Edition 2025) / MSc ETH Architecture
ETH Zürich
Inst. Bau- und Infrastrukturmanagement
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5