Renovating – yes! But how?

Online tool for assessing the environmental impact and costs of residential building renovations, along with their effects on the overall building stock

The «Renovating – yes! But how?» tool is part of a research project aimed at dissemination of the scientific results on building renovation to a non-scientific audience. The tool provides a calculator that allows users to assess the environmental impact and costs of various renovation solutions at both the building and building stock levels. It aims to help users plan renovations that are both climate-resilient and cost-effective. Developed through a collaboration between ETH Zurich and ZHdK, the tool is grounded in scientific research and is designed to support sustainable building renovation.  

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  • Priore, Y. D.; Habert, G.; Jusselme, T. Exploring the Gap between Carbon-Budget-Compatible Buildings and Existing Solutions – A Swiss Case Study. Energy Build. 2023, 278 (October), 112598.
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